Notable beetle records from GermanyRecords, photos and text by C. Benisch, 2008–2016
12.06.2011 (published on 16.06.2011)
Observation of Bembidion litorale on the banks of river Rhine near Wesel-Flüren
On June 12th, 2001 several specimens of the ground beetle Bembidion litorale were observed at the banks of river Rhine near Wesel-Flüren, together with other representatives of the genus (B. velox, B. striatum, B. modestum and B. tetracolum). The 5.2 to 6.2 mm large species is known to occur from Western Europe to Siberia and lives on sandy river banks. On warm, sunny days the beetles escape swiftly. In Germany there are recent records from virtually all Federal States. Records become more frequent towards the northeast. Bembidion litorale is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).