The faunistic database just increased to 159,457 records, the number of contributors to 2,822. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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During the last few days, I got some feedback, that the old module 'Check request status' is sadly missed. Therefore, I added 15 useful, predefined queries as a new feature to the module Search answers. Just chose you user nickname once (will be saved in a cookie) and click on any of the predefined queries, that's it! I hope this new functionality helps to work with your own inquiries and at the same time showcases the capabilities of the search module. Any good suggestions for additional predefined queries are welcome, just get in contact by email or via the contact form.
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Today, I have combined two modules, namely the former module 'Check status' was abandoned and its functionalities combined with the module Search answers. The dashboard functionality was transferred to the search module as a new mode. All links to the user dashboard from other modules were updated accordingly. Check out Rüsselkäferin's dashboard in in its new environment. The separation of users posting under the same pseudonym has been abandoned. Therefore, I encourage all users the choose a unique pseudonym. User who would like to change their pseudonym retroactively for alle their requests should contact me via the contact form.
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The faunistic database just increased to 158,341 records, the number of contributors to 2,813. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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For all users, who save their user data in an encrypted cookie in our inquiry module, I've just added a new functionality in the module View answers in the filter tab: By clicking the user icon you can either show all inquiries or only your own. I wish all users lots of fun with this new functionality.

My Inquiry Filter
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The faunistic database just increased to 157,234 records, the number of contributors to 2,802. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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Based on a request of our user Golli I improved our inquiry module for the use with small displays (viewport smaller than 900 x 600 pixels, namely smartphones). Before, capturing of map sheet numbers in the map window failed. This is now solved. I know, it's not yet "really" mobile-friendly, but nevertheless. I would appreciate any feedback on the usability of the new version. On desktop computers, everything remains unchanged.
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The faunistic database just increased to 155,411 records, the number of contributors to 2,778. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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I've just implemented a feature request from our user Felix for the inquiry module: Some camera models and most smartphones meanwhile have a GPS sensor and save the GPS coordinates in the EXIF metatags of the photo. Our inquiry module can now parse these coordinates and take them as presetting in the map module when the user enters the map sheet. A quick manual check and validation in the map module by the user is still required. If the photo does not contain GPS coordinates, everything stays as before.
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I've just uploaded the gallery update with 32 new species from 15 families. The number of species available on increases to 2,698. At the same time, the faunistic database just increased to 153,199 records, the number of contributors to 2,728. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle. I wish all visitors a pleasant stay on!
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Frequent users and readers of our ID forum may know that from time to time we embed links to ID support charts in our answers. Up to now, these charts were not available in one place and could not be browsed or searched. That is changing now with the new ID support module, which allows browsing and searching our ID support charts in a structured way. Additionally, we collect all taxonomic notes on this page, especially in cases where we adjust our "ID behaviour" to taxonomic changes, like recently in the case of the Oedemera-lurida-complex.
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The faunistic database just increased to 148,971 records, the number of contributors to 2,641. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 142,914 records, the number of contributors to 2,518. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 137,992 records, the number of contributors to 2,409. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 135,611 records, the number of contributors to 2,370. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 134,736 records, the number of contributors to 2,360. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 131,875 records, the number of contributors to 2,355. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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The faunistic database just increased to 131,163 records, the number of contributors to 2,348. Thanks to all who contributed their faunistic records in this update cycle.
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I wish all visitors of a happy and prosperous New Year 2020 and lots of fun with the beetle hobby!

New Year 2020
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