Notable beetle records from GermanyRecords, photos and text by C. Benisch, 2008–2016
11.03.2010 (published on 15.03.2010)
Rearing of Orchesia luteipalpis from alder bracket from the forest 'Treburer Unterwald' near Mörfelden
On February 7th, 2010 a few specimens of the alder bracket (Inonotus radiatus) were collected from dead alder in the forest 'Treburer Unterwald' near Mörfelden (South Hesse) and stored at home at room temperature. On March 11th, 2010, the first specimen of the rare false darkling beetle Orchesia luteipalpis hatched from the fungi. The species can be distinguished from other Orchesia species by its narrow forehead and its clavate antennae with 4 larger apical members. In Germany, the species is regarded as endangered (RL 2).