Notable beetle records from Germany

Records, photos and text by C. Benisch, 2008–2016

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7 Years
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07.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Cryptocephalus exiguus in the river meadow near Au am Rhein
Cryptocephalus exiguus
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On June 7th, 2014, a single male of the Pashford pot beetle Cryptocephalus exiguus was recorded in the river Rhine floodplain near Au am Rhein (county of Rastatt). With only 2 mm in body length it is one of the smaller representatives of the genus and is quite conspicuous with the dashed microsculpture of the pronotum. It is known to occur from Central Europe to Japan and prefers damp habitats along rivers. It develops oligophagous on grey willow and birch species.

07.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Cryptocephalus nitidulus in the arid floodplain of Grißheim
Cryptocephalus nitidulus
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On June 7th, 2014, one specimen of the pot beetle Cryptocephalus nitidulus was observed in the arid floodplain of Grißheim on a young oak. The stenotopic, arboricolous species is known to occur in Northern and Central Europe und reaches Western Siberia. It prefers warm habitats, e.g. warm, sun-exposed slopes. It lives on birch and hazel. In Germany, recent records are mainly from the southern half and the beetle is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

04.06.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Phaedon laevigatus in Mannheim-Sandhofen
Phaedon laevigatus
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On June 4th, 2014, one specimen of the leaf beetle Phaedon laevigatus was recorded in the river Rhine floodplain near Mannheim-Sandhofen. The stenotopic species is known to occur from Central over Southeast Europe to the Caucasus and prefers river meadows as habitat. It develops oligophagous on yellowcresses (Rorippa sp.). In Germany recent records are known from Saxony, Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden and the Palatinate.

18.05.2014 (published on 09.06.2014)
Record of Longitarsus quadriguttatus near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Longitarsus quadriguttatus
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On May 18th, 2014, numerous specimens of the flea beetle Longitarsus quadriguttatus were discovered near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate) on their host plant houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale). The stenotopic, thermophilous species is known to occur from Central over Southeast Europe to Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It has been introduced to North America as a biological control agent against houndstongue. Longitarsus quadriguttatus is missing in Northwest Germany and is regarded as critically endangered (RL 1).

18.05.2013 (published on 22.05.2013)
Record of Cryptocephalus schaefferi near Neuleiningen (Anterior Palatinate)
Cryptocephalus schaefferi
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On May 18th, 2013, one single male specimen of the leaf beetle Cryptocephalus schaefferi was found near Neuleiningen. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species is known to occur in Southern and Central Europe and prefers habitats with warm climate. It is polyphagous and is found on hawthorn (Crataegus), oak (Quercus), hazel (Corylus) and (Sorbus) European rowan (Sorbus). The species exhibits a marked sexual dimorphism. In Germany, recent records are known from the southern part, and the species is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

27.05.2012 (published on 28.05.2012)
Record of Chrysolina fuliginosa on the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim
Chrysolina fuliginosa
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On May 27th, 2012, one specimen of the leaf beetle Chrysolina fuliginosa was found on the Felsenberg near Schloßböckelheim (Nahe valley). The species is known to occur in South and Central Europe. It prefers dry slopes and fallow vineyards. C. fuliginosa is oligophagous and develops on Centaurea species. It can be distinguished from its sister species C. haemoptera by the separated sides of the pronotum and the irregular puncture of the elytra. In Germany, C. fuliginosa is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

26.05.2012 (published on 26.05.2012)
Record of Cryptocephalus coryli in the arid floodplain near Grißheim (South Baden)
Cryptocephalus coryli
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On May 26th, 2012, one specimen of the hazel-pot beetle Cryptocephalus coryli was found in the arid floodplain of Grißheim on a shrub. The stenotopic, thermophilous species prefers warm slopes and sun-exposed edges of forests. It develops mainly in hazel (Corylus) and birch (Betula). After egg deposition, the females cover the eggs with their own dung and drop them into the leaf litter underneath the bush. In Germany, Cryptocephalus coryli is recorded from most Federal States, but is regarded as vulnerable (RL 3).

19.05.2012 (published on 21.05.2012)
Record of Cryptocephalus schaefferi on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim
Cryptocephalus schaefferi
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On May 19th, 2012, numerous specimens of the leaf beetle Cryptocephalus schaefferi were found on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species is known to occur in Southern and Central Europe and prefers habitats with warm climate. It is polyphagous and is found on hawthorn (Crataegus), oak (Quercus), hazel (Corylus) and (Sorbus) European rowan (Sorbus). The species exhibits a marked sexual dimorphism. In Germany, recent records are known from the southern part, and the species is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

19.05.2012 (published on 21.05.2012)
Record of Lachnaia sexpunctata on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim
Lachnaia sexpunctata
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On May 19th, 2012, several specimens of the leaf beetle Lachnaia sexpunctata were found on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim. The stenotopic, xerothermophilous species prefers warm and dry slopes and sun-exposed edges of forests. It is polyphagous and can be found from May to July mainly on sun-exposed oaks. The male exhibits conspicuous large legs and tarsi. In Germany, recent records are confined to the southern part, and the species is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

23.06.2011 (published on 30.06.2011)
Record of Cassida murraea in Oberhausen-Rheinhausen near Philippsburg
Cassida murraea
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On June 23rd, 2011 three specimens of the fleabane tortoise beetle Cassida murraea were discovered on a Rhine dam with a rich herbal flora near Oberhausen-Rheinhausen (North Baden). While the immature beetles show a greenish color, fully developed beetles exhibit a beautiful orange-red coloration. Cassida murraea develops oligophagous on Inula species and on fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica). The species is known to occur in virtually all Federal States and is recorded regularly, but not too often. It is not regarded as endangered in Germany.

11.06.2011 (published on 16.06.2011)
Record of Cryptocephalus punctiger in the nature reserve Schnepfenberge near Wesel-Diersfordt
Cryptocephalus punctiger
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On June 11th, 2011 one specimen of the leaf beetle Cryptocephalus punctiger was observed in the nature reserve Schnepfenberge near Wesel-Diersfordt. The 2.5 to 3.5 mm large species is polyphagous and lives on Goat Willow (Salix caprea), Silver Birch (Betula pendula) and poplar species (Populus). Cryptocephalus punctiger is known to occur in Northern and Central Europe and can be found on the edges of forests and in the fringes of peat bogs. In Germany the species is rare and is regarded as endangered (RL 2).

04.06.2011 (published on 07.06.2011)
Record of Eumolpus asclepiadeus in the arid floodplain near Grißheim (South Baden)
Eumolpus asclepiadeus
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On June 4th, 2011 numerous specimens of the leaf beetle Eumolpus asclepiadeus were observed in the arid floodplain near Grißheim (South Baden). The habitus of the 8-10 mm large species reminds of a large Cryptocephalus. The monophagous species develops in white swallow-wort (Vincetoxium hirundinaria). In the present case, dozens of specimen sat on blades of grass and on poplar sprouts. Eumolpus asclepiadeus is known to occur on South Europe and the southern part of Central Europe. In Germany, recent records have been made from Baden, Württemberg, Bavaria and Thuringia. The species is rare and endangered (RL 2).

07.05.2011 (published on 08.05.2011)
Record of Orsodacne lineola on the Gangelsberg near Duchroth (Nahe valley)
Orsodacne lineola
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On May 7th, 2011 one specimen of the leaf beetle Orsodacne lineola was discovered on the Gangelsberg near Duchroth (Nahe valley) by using a beating tray on blossoming hawthorn. Its distribution ranges from Southern Europe to southern Central Europe. The species develops in hawthorn (Crataegus), pear (Pirus) and plum (Prunus). After the first record for Baden in 2008, this discovery constitutes a record for the Rhineland (compare Köhler/Klausnitzer, 1998). O. lineola can be distinguished from the ubiquitous O. cerasi by the pubescence and the denser puncture of the elytra.

22.08.2010 (published on 25.08.2010)
Record of Chrysolina cerealis on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim
Chrysolina cerealis
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On August 22nd, 2010 one specimen of the leaf beetle Chrysolina cerealis was discovered on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim by using a sweeping net on a xerothermic area. The xerothermophilous species prefers dry and mesoxerophytic grasslands. C. cerealis is monophagous and develops in Horse mint (Mentha longifolia). Its distribution stretches from Southwestern Europe to eastern Central Europe. In Germany there are records from various Federal States, but C. cerealis is regarded as rare and vulnerable (RL 3).

22.08.2010 (published on 25.08.2010)
Record of Coptocephala unifasciata and C. rubicunda on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim
Coptocephala unifasciata
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On August 22nd, 2010 several specimens of the leaf beetle Coptocephala unifasciata and one single specimen of the closely related C. rubicunda were discovered on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim by using a sweeping net on a xerothermic area. Currently three species of the genus are known to occur in Germany. One of them, C. unifasciata can be easily distinguished by its red upper lip (labrum). The other two - both of them with black upper lip - are only distinguished with some experience.

13.06.2010 (published on 15.06.2010)
Record of Labidostomis lucida on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim
Labidostomis lucida
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On June 13th, 2010 two specimens of Labidostomis lucida (family Chrysomelidae) were found on a south-facing slope on the Heimberg near Waldböckelheim. The xerothermophilous species prefers dry grassland and fallow vineyards as habitats. L. lucida is polyphagous and develops in various herbs. It can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the fine and sparse puncture of the pronotum and the long antennae. In Germany L. lucida is regarded as endangered (RL 2) with recent records from only a few Federal States.

15.08.2009 (published on 13.09.2009)
Record of Lema cyanella at the river Rhine floodplain near Philippsburg
Lema cyanella
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On August 15th, 2009 a single specimen of the leaf beetle Lema cyanella was found in the river Rhine floodplain near Philippsburg. The species develops in thistle (Cirsium sp.). It is easily distinguished from the species of the closely related genus Oulema by the central emarginate pronotum. Lema cyanella is recorded from all-over Germany, but it is found only occasionally (RL 3).

20.04.2008 (published on 14.02.2009)
Record of Orsodacne lineola in the Bössinger Forest close to Zeutern (Kraichgau)
Orsodacne lineola
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On April 20th, 2008 a single specimen of the leaf beetle Orsodacne lineola was found on a dead branch at the edge of the Bössinger forest adjacent to a traditional orchard. Contrary to the very common O. cerasi, the pronotum and elytra of O. lineola are pubescent. The species is distributed in Southern and Central Europe and develops in hawthorn (Crataegus), pear (Pirus) and plum (Prunus). According to Köhler/Klausnitzer (1998) there are no preceding records for Baden so far.

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