Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Berosus signaticollis (Charp., 1825)
The 5 to 6.4 mm large water scavenger beetle Berosus signaticollis (family Hydrophilidae) is one of six representatives of the genus in Germany. Worldwide the genus comprises more than 260 species. Berosus signaticollis is known to occur in South and Central Europe including the British Isles. The stenotopic, tyrphobiont species lives in bog ponds and sun exposed tarns. With the conspicuous black doubled mark on the disc of the pronotum is can be relatively easily recognized among the otherwise rather difficult species. The beetles can breathe under water by absorbing oxygen through their body surface. The larvae feed and small water-dwelling insects and crustaceans. In Germany, Berosus signaticollis is recorded from all Federal States and is not endangered, but becomes rarer towards the North. (CB)