Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Elaphrus uliginosus F., 1775
The 7.5 to 9.5 mm large ground beetle Elaphrus uliginosus (family Carabidae) is one of twelve representatives of the holarctic genus Elaphrus in Europe. Five species also occur in Germany. It can be distinguished from its similar sister species by the shiny blue feet and dark tibiae. The stenotopic, hygrophilous species is macropterous and capable of flight. Elaphrus uliginosus is of palearctic distribution and is known to occur throughout Europe with the far North and South. It is widespread in Central Europe, but becomes rarer towards the South. The beetles can be found from the planar to the altimontane zone on silting-ups of standing water bodies and managed wetland meadows. In Germany, recent records are known from all Federal States, but Elaphrus uliginosus is not often found and is regarded as endangered (RL 2). (CB)