Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Korynetes ruficornis Sturm, 1837
The 3.5 to 7 mm large checkered beetle Korynetes ruficornis (family Cleridae) is one of two very similar species of the genus in Germany. In former times they were not separated, but differ in the puncture of their pronotum, which is more dense and congested towards the lateral margin. Korynetes ruficornis ranges from Europe (without the far North) to Siberia. In Germany it is rarer than its sister species K. caeruleus in the North, whereas it dominates in the South. The eurytopic, silvicolous and also synanthropic species lives in forests, parks, gardens and in shelters and carpenter's workshops. Both beetles and larvae prey on saproxylic beetles, e.g. anobiid (Anobiidae) and bark beetles (Scolytidae). In Germany, Korynetes ruficornis is not regarded as endangered, but is not often recorded. (CB)