Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Necrodes littoralis (L., 1758)
The 15 to 25 mm large burying beetle Necrodes littoralis (family Silphidae) is the only representative of the holarctic genus in Germany. It can be easily recognized by the three cinnamon distal members of the antennae. The male exhibits thickened rear thighs and curved shins. The eurytopic species occurs throughout Europe (with the exception of the far North) and in the East it reaches the Caucasus. The beetles prefer humid habitats, e.g. river meadows. The beetles are good fliers and are attracted by decay scent. They are usually found on larger carrion, where beetles and larvae feed directly on the carrion, but also prey on fly maggots present. If disturbed, the can secrete a very foul-smelling liquid to deter potential predators. In Germany the species is recorded from all Federal States and is not endangered. (CB)