Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Neophytobius quadrinodosus (Gyll., 1813)
The 1.9 to 2.5 mm large weevil Neophytobius quadrinodosus (family Curculionidae) is one of twelve representatives of the former genus Phytobius in Germany, which has been divided into Phytobius, Pelenomus and Neophytobius. The stenotopic, hygrophilous species is known to occur from Northern and Central Europe to Siberia. It is missing in the Mediterranean region. N. quadrinodosus prefers regosols sparsely covered with vegetation, humid neglected grasslands and ruderal sites. Based on more recent findings, creeping cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) seems to be the true host. The larval stages have not been scientifically described yet. In Germany, N. quadrinodosus is widespread, but only occasionally found and seems to be extinct in some regions. Still it is not regarded as endangered. (CB)