Featured speciesText © K. Reißmann, T. Hörren, M. Stern, F. Bötzl and C. Benisch
Triplax russica (L., 1758)
The 4.5 to 6.5 mm large pleasing fungus beetle Triplax russica (family Erotylidae) is one of 17 representatives of the genus in Europe. Worldwide the genus Triplax comprises about 100 species. In our fauna Triplax russica is relatively easily recognized by its size and parallel build and its black, clubbed antennae. Triplax russica ranges from North Africa over Europa (up to the far North) to the Caucasus. In Southern Europe it prefers the mountain range. The eurytopic, mycetobiont species inhabits deciduous forests and lives polyphagous on various bracket fungi (Meripilus, Pleurotus, Phellinus, Inonotus, Fomes, Fomitopsis, Polyporus) on deciduous trees, mainly beech. Larval development takes place in the bracket fungi. The larva dug themselves into the soil for pupation. The new generation hatches in July. In Germany, Triplax russica is widespread and common. (CB)